Studying the art of bullshit should be mandatory. If it was, people would be less naive, less likely to be manipulated, and most importantly, far less full of shit.

The Book of Bullshit, page 12

Most psychology books are just a bunch of bull — the Book of Bullshit is different.

The Book of Bullshit combines a cheerful irreverence with scientific research to create a book unlike anything you've read before.

Each chapter is only a few pages long, making the whole book feel like an easy and quick read, even though there's a ton of information imparted throughout.

The Book of Bullshit is replete with verbal self-defense tactics, street wisdom, and forbidden bullshit artist techniques — a must read for anyone looking to learn how to stay equipoised in the era of bullshit.

Check out the Book of Bullshit

Exclusively available on Amazon. Get a copy in paperback for only $10.99, or if you like e-books grab a Kindle edition for only $4.99. There's even an audiobook version narrated by Spencer which you can listen to.

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