What do nations and imaginations have in common?
They're both governed by hallucinations. In Hallucination Theory, Spencer Gold provides a framework for interacting with what he calls the hallucinogenic reality: an interconnected universe of stimuli.
When an idea is hallucinogenic, it is not only believable, it is life-changing. Every idea, ranging from God, to anxiety, to self-consciousness, is a form of hallucinogenic stimuli capable of altering an individual’s entire experience of life. By expanding your definition of hallucinations, you can develop the ability to see the invisible forces pulling everyone's strings.
There are good and bad hallucinations; Hallucination Theory provides a philosophy that enables you to not only distinguish good hallucinations from bad ones, but also how to reframe and leverage any experience to your own benefit.
But hey, I'll be honest: I'm biased on this one. If our last names didn't give it away, Spencer is my brother. Together we co-founded The Reinforcement to independently publish this book.
So don't take my word for it being good, take the word of the people: Hallucination Theory has 4.3 out of 5 stars on Amazon as of this writing with over 80 ratings as of this writing. Check out some customer reviews:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — "Short but mighty. I'm forever thankful for this information and the simplicity of it all."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — "An inventive approach to self help that is accessible to any reader"
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — "The writing isn't eloquent, and the author uses too much repetition. But the information is great. It's a quick read, and good for anyone wanting to think about his or her perception of personal consciousness in a broader aspect."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — "Short but powerful book. A good read, great use of metaphors, and I recommend the book. "
Get your own copy in paperback (or as a Kindle ebook) on Amazon
Check out Spencer's second book, The Book of Bullshit: